Monday, August 2, 2010

The Schedule

The classes are run in the same format for every class. There are three types of classes. One I call the 'usual' classes because it is the class that I usually have. The next one I call the 'running' classes because it is an endurance class that is usually taught when the classes are very full. The final type of class is very similar to the 'usual' classes except that it includes target kicking.

Usual Classes- We start with warm-up and then pair up with partners. We then continue to do some kicks and different combinations. Next, we sometimes do sit-ups and crunches. Then we have a one minute break for water. Then we come back and learn and practice our curriculum. Finally, we have a closing 'ceremony' where we do punches and bow to the teacher, flags, and each other.

Running Classes- We start with warm-up and then walk to the back of the room in our lines or form a big line at the front of the room. We do different things all the way across the room and line up on the other side. It's fun and challenging.

Target Kicking Classes- The same as usual classes, starting with warm-up, kicks, the whole shabang. Then, before our one minute break, the instructors put us in lines and we kick targets, which is one of my favourite things to do.

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